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A Delayed Christmas Gift

Wings Rescue Center volunteers Bubba and Debbie Brown were out for a Christmas morning stroll along Rockport Beach Park when they noticed a Pelican. He was limping and appeared to be very weak, only able to fly a few feet. They brought him into the Center and named him “Jingles”. An examination at the Center and by Wing’s consulting veterinarian, Dr. Thompson, Companion Animal Clinic, confirmed that he was malnourished and suffered from parasites. After six weeks of medical care, combined with lots of Tender Loving Care, Jingles was ready to go. Debbie, joined by fellow Wings volunteers returned him to Rockport Beach. Jingles flew out of the crate, then turned around for a fly-by and final good bye. It was a Christmas Gift worth waiting for.

peli release

Photograph courtesy of Melissa Zieschang

2021 write up

Wings 1st Rescue Releases for 2022


On January 3rd, Wings volunteers celebrated their first releases of the New Year: a White Wing Dove, a Common Goldeneye Duck, and a Great White Egret. 


The dove, named Alfalfa for the unusual top-knot of feathers on its head, was brought in on December 18th. It appeared to have been attacked by a cat. Fortunately, there were no broken bones, only a lot of missing feathers. The Goldeneye arrived on December 28th with puncture wounds to its chest. Fearing it had been shot, the bird was taken to the ARK for x-rays and testing for possible lead poisoning. No pellets were found and the test was negative. 


Of the three, The Egret, named Lacy was the most seriously injured. It was brought to the Center on December 17th by John Covey, who found the bird lying in the street at Rockport Harbor, perhaps hit by a car. The bird, unable to stand, was taken to Wing’s veterinarian, Dr. Rick Thompson, Companion Animal Clinic, who prescribed daily anti-inflammatory injections in addition to continuing the antibiotics that had been started when the bird arrived at the Center. The outlook was bleak; the bird laid in its cage, stretched out as if in flight. After six days, Wings caregivers agreed that, if the Egret could not get up, at least to a kneeling position, it would have to be euthanized. It was scheduled for the next day, December 24th. Christmas Eve morning, Wing’s Caretaker, Dana Rhodes came in to find the egret sitting up. 


Lacy became a “Miracle Bird”; the name volunteers give to birds that suddenly pull through when all seemed lost. All three birds now have a second chance for life in the wild.

Here’s to the Beginning of 2022. 


2021 presented challenges for many in Texas: COVID, the February freeze followed by Spring floods. Through it all, Wing’s phone kept ringing for rescues and volunteers worked tirelessly to give wild birds a second chance at freedom. But 2021 was also a year of great achievements: We rescued over 900 birds. Among them, our first education bird, “Rocky,” a red-shouldered hawk, who was blinded in one eye when he fell from his nest and could not be returned to the wild.


Since Wings was founded, it has been my goal to see WRC expand its services to the community with the development of an educational center. With contributions large and small from individuals and groups, we are on our way to achieving this goal in 2022. Children and adults will be able to watch (online and on site) eggs hatch and volunteers care for the hatchlings, as well as ill and injured birds. And Visitors will be introduced to Rocky, our resident pelicans, Patches and Willy and other wild birds from the Coastal Bend.


Thank You All & Best Wishes for the New Year,


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